Visoka škola računarstva i poslovnih komunikacija eMPIRICA u Brčko distriktu BiH, kao jedan od autoriziranih Certiport testnih centara, pružila je mogućnost mladim i nezaposlenim osobama iz cijele BiH da 21. i 22. juna ove godinebesplatno polažu jedan od Microsoftovih ispita MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate).
Kandidati koji su bili zainteresovani za polaganje jednog od MTA ispita prethodno su načinili prijave za besplatni vaučer putem obrasca za prijavu na web stranici Telecentre-Europe. Kandidatima iz cijele Evrope je bilo namijenjeno ukupno 2,000 besplatnih vaučera. Telecentre-Europe je organizovao selekciju prijavljenih kandidata po državama te je ukupno 25 kandidata iz BiH dobilo besplatne vaučere. Od tog broja, 19 kandidata je potvrdilo svoje učešće, te pristupilo testiranju u autorizovanom Certiport testnom centru Visoke škole eMPIRICA. Najveći broj kandidata je pristigao iz Brčkog, Tuzle i Bijeljine, ali su učešće uzeli i kandidati iz drugih gradova.
Kandidati su najveći interes iskazali za polaganje sljedećih testova: Software Development Fundamentals, Web Development Fundamentals, Windows Server Administration Fundamentals, Networking Fundamentals, Security Fundamentals, Microsoft.NET Fundamentals, te HTML5 Application Developer Fundamentals.
Osim učešća u ovom programu besplatnog testiranja kroz inicijativu Microsofta i Telecentre-Europe, Certiport testni centar Visoke škole eMPIRICA i dalje u svojoj redovnoj komercijalnoj ponudi svim zainteresovanim nudi polaganje ispita:
U ponudi će od septembra biti i programi pripreme za polaganje navedenih ispita.
College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA in Brcko District BiH offers truly unique study programmes in BiH and high quality access to educational process, which puts students' demands and needs in focus.
Ten reasons why to study at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA
eMPIRICA College and Ljubljana School of Business received in September 2012 from the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education NAKVIS ( authorisation to conduct transnational Business Informatics studies and issue BIH-SLO diplomas.
Dear students, so as to make your studies more financially affordable, keeping a high level of quality we have devised a scholarship that covers all your expenses during the studies.
We believe that many of you partly received education at other higher education institutions. We recognise your every knowledge which is connected to out study programme.
In November 2012, College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA became Certiport testing centre.
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