
Information for incoming mobility students


Foreign students, coming from certain countries to study in Bosnia and Herzegovina, require a visa for their stay.

Students from countries listed below do not need a visa to enter and stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period of 90 days:

Albania, Andora, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brasil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Canada, Czech Republic, Croatia, Ciprus, Costarica, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korean Republic, Kuwait, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Paraguay, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Salvador, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Vatican, Venezuela.

For the periods longer than 90 days the students are required to apply for a visa (type D visa).

The prospective student should send all required documents listed below for the issuing and certification of the Invitation Letter from College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA, in order to apply for a long term residence visa (Visa D):

  • Copy of the Passport (front page with photo and all data) valid for minimum two years
  • Certificate that no legal procedure is being conducted against the subject at the present moment
  • Certificate demonstrating the absence of any criminal record
  • Proof of profession/degree
  • Written statement of approval signed by both parents or by a legal guardian/s; only in case the applicant is a minor (under the age of 18)

These documents are to be sent to eMPIRICA email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

After the invitation letter is ready, College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA will send it to the applicant, along with other documents necessary for the visa D application.

When the student receives it, s/he should contact the Bosnian Embassy in their home country - or in a neighboring country in case that there is not a Bosnian Embassy in the student’s home country - for further directions and any additional documents necessary for the visa D application.  An application for Visa D issuance shall be submitted not earlier than three (3) months and not later than one (1) month prior to the intended travel date.

General Conditions for Visa D Issuance

(1) An applicant for Visa D is obliged to give their personal data and biometric data (photograph, fingerprints, signature) required from them and other relevant information regarding the purpose of their entering BiH.

(2) An applicant for Visa D is obliged to enclose:

  1. a valid travel document;a letter of invitation issued on a prescribed form and certified by the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs (hereinafter: the Service) identifying the place of residence or the headquarters of the inviter;
  2. a color photograph, size 35x45 mm, showing faithfully the holder of the travel document;
  3. confirmation of the purpose of their stay in BiH which proves that it is necessary to stay in BiH longer than 90 days in the period of 6 months;
  4. a medical certificate proving that the alien does not suffer from a contagious disease if coming from the territory on which there is an epidemics of a contagious disease;
  5. proof of payment of consular fee;
  6. other documents regarding accommodation and funds for living expenses; conditions of travel and return to the country of origin on basis of which it is possible to make a reasonable conclusion on the purpose and the conditions of the intended stay in BiH.

(3) Apart from documents and attachments mentioned, at request of the authorized official of DCM, an alien is obliged to submit other evidence.


Students who come to study in Bosnia and Herzegovina are required to have health insurance during their stay. They are entitled to voluntary health insurance provided by Brcko District Health Service which grants students the rights to the same health insurance that the residents have. In order to receive the health insurance the prospective student needs to collect the following documents:

  1. Certificate issued by the Ministry of Interior in Brcko District on the student’s temporary residence in the country,
  2. Copy of the visa,
  3. Contribution paid for the period of 6 months, which is 360 BAM (185 EUR),
  4. Passport copy.


Brcko District does not have dormitory facilities so students are put up in private accommodation. eMPIRICA College will provide all the necessary help in finding accommodation for the international students.

Why to Choose to Study at eMPIRICA

College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA in Brcko District BiH offers truly unique study programmes in BiH and high quality access to educational process, which puts students' demands and needs in focus.

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Top 10

Ten reasons why to study at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA

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Dual Diploma-Transnational Study Programme

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Recognition of Exams and Industry Certificates

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Certiport Testing Centre

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